| 1. | The aircraft circled around over the landing strip .. 飞机在着陆跑道上空兜圈子。 |
| 2. | It circled around the white house that eleanor was most annoyed with franklin . 白宫传说埃莉偌被富兰克林气坏了。 |
| 3. | As the crankshaft rotates, the crankpin swings in a circle around the shaft . 随着曲轴的转动,曲柄销绕主轴作圆周摆动。 |
| 4. | His finger traced a circle around the area surrounding macon, mississipi . 他用手指在密西西比州梅肯附近地区划了个圈圈。 |
| 5. | Let us think of an electron as a wave extending in a circle around the nucleus . 我们不妨把电子看成是一个绕原子核展开的波。 |
| 6. | All the life in her seemed concentrated in her eyes, which had dark circles around them and were enormous . 只有从那双瞪得大大的,四周布满黑圈的眼睛里,才勉强看出她是个活人。 |
| 7. | Thus the path of the vehicle mass center must be a circle around the axis, i. e. it must be a minor circle of the earth, lying on a parallel of latitude . 所以飞行器质心的轨迹必须是围绕轴线的一个圆,即它必须是一个平行于纬度线的地球的小圆。 |
| 8. | The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth 赤道是地球的一个虚拟的圆圈。 |
| 9. | The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth 赤道即假想的环绕地球的大圆。 |
| 10. | An old lady is going circles around the stone tower 有个年纪大点的还围着石塔转圈子 |